38. Boojums Vase


16″ Tall, Ceramic Vase. Artist’s proof. There are only 2 available as of May 2024. Not in production.
Cone 5, BeeMix 5 clay, Artisan Powder Blue glaze inside. Artisan Clear glaze over washes of color oxides and stains. Heavy texture from custom made PandaBoo ceramic ball.

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38. Boojums Vase
16″ Tall, Ceramic Vase. Artist’s proof. There are only 2 available as of May 2024. Not in production.
The Boojums Vases are inspired by the California desert. The first naturalist that came here and saw a peculiar plant called them Boojums, a reference to the Lewis Carroll fantasy, “The Hunting of the Snark.” The poem, describes an epic journey to the edge of the earth, and upon reaching that edge the wanderers spied a plant that grew only there, and christened it a Boojum. This vase is a reflection of the California desert that shimmers in my mind and has now been made solid in ceramic.


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